from Tam -
To make quark
I leave raw milk in a pot for two days
then take off the cream
and pour the jelly-mess thats left into cheesecloth
what stays in the cheesecloth (mostly protein) is quark
what drips out is whey
it has vitamins and minerals and lactobacillus
and protein, apparently, but im not sure how cos its so thin
it's yellowy thin liquid that tastes sour
kind of yum
bit weird
I put the whey on the garden to make the dirt have good bacteria
sandor told me to
wait! i forgot to tell you about putting a starter culture in the raw milk! cultured buttermilk from the supermarket, or whey leftover from the previous quark making, or some quark! very important. ratio of 1:7, with 1 being the culture and 7 being the milk : ) x tam x