Sunday, September 12

Food carts!

I came upon this post on veggie food carts in Portland, which lead me here (there's a video complete with gypsy guitars and simulated bicycle travel), then of course the doors opened up and I got very very excited. Move to Portland or start something up here?

"Don’t expect fast-food or deep-fried goofs here. Think Slow Food-Cart Movement, where dedicated cooks grind quinoa into flour, carefully source ingredients, and pay attention to presentation. Twenty minutes for a fried-egg sandwich—are you serious? Then again, it may be the best you’ve ever had."

"A parallel subculture thrives online, where cart zealots track every new opening on websites and Twitter feeds. At its most successful, the cart diaspora creates improvised village plazas where neighbors gather (and spend), generating reams of positive online chatter about a new kind of place—usually a former vacant lot"
Portland monthly magazine

Friends lets start designing our food carts!

Ive been thinking about something along these lines for awhile, after meeting a boy in Berlin who had a coffee machine setup in the back of a tricycle. The inspiration of Portland gives me momentum, and broadens the vision to include a whole culture of beautiful slow-food carts.
Everyone that wants to make one, lets do it, the autonomous revolution of food carts in Melbourne (or wherever you are)!

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