Tuesday, September 14

Is it possible?

This morning I am thinking about the food miles connundrum, it's always there in the back of my mind. I prepare most of my own food (including condiments and pickles) and eat mostly locally grown fresh vegetables (including weeds, and greens from my own backyard) but I also eat some biodynamic/organic products (olive oil, almonds, chia, hemp) from around the country (Australia is huge) and superfoods from South America (coconut oil, maca, cacao). Is it sustainable or even truly nutritious to import food into our lives?
Is it possible to live a vibrant super-well existance on a high quality organic plant based diet in Australia and only eat foods grown here?
Is Queensland too far away from Melbourne? In the last few months I have cut down on the amount of superfoods from far away and have started honouring them more when I use them. My food preparation has become simpler, with less ingredients and more simple raw foods, I have started researching Indigenous Australian superfoods and am interested in entering the food miles discussion again, I'm considering whether I should try and aim to only eat local / Australian foods. Is there a benefit to imposing rules? Should it be more than a gentle consideration. Is organic more important no matter where it comes from? Is vegan? Is raw? Is local? In my experience of navigating true wellness and nutrition, strict ideas are never particulary useful and there needs to be a strong element of instinct and choosing in the moment what feels most congruous. I want to know what you think and feel about this topic. I would also love links to people and blogs that have experimented with low food mile diets, particulary if they have done it here. I'm really curious whether a mostly vegan diet is viable and truly sustaining in our local context.

When I was in Alice Springs I bought amazing dates that were locally grown 60kms out of Alice. Does anyone know where you can source australian grown dates in Melbourne?

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