Here are a list of things I have been reading on the internet lately that have been particularly interesting
Finding koji: South River Miso
Supper club links on Underground Dining
Community bike cart design
Underground dining
Scott Winegard
„Global Street Food“ – A project by Mike Meiré
Human Powered Cycles
Free Soil
Food carts in Portland
Victory Garden 2007+
Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition
Conscious Nutrition
Heidi Swanson
Your shots (Heidi's fans' food photos)
Build a natural pantry
The Centre for Sustainable Practise in the Arts
Condiment magazine
Etherium Gold
Barefoot running
Raw food recipes:
Lucuma and spring onion soup - Chili con cacao - Walnut and gold chocolate truffles
Dance therapy article by Sylvia Staehli
Eating seasonally
Tasmanias wild foods
Australian bush food glossary
Consuming hemp in Australia
Ode to Green Smoothies
Traditional Diets
Traditional food of Ireland
Food Porn