Sunday, October 3

Off to the potluck

Today is incredibly sunny and quite hot. In a slightly frenetic action warrior way I tried to make the most of the sun and comply with the lame Sunday public transport timetable. You can see the potential need of actively staying calm and being somewhat strategic with these parameters. I watered the garden, fed the chooks, washed and hung out m clothes and sheets, gave my futon the air and sun it has been craving all winter, delivered eggs and sprouts to my friend, shared breakfast with him (see previous post), talked about our current focuses, made a plan to start 'preparation day' soon (all processed foods can be made from scratch this is more fun and productive when you do it with other people), picked lots of lemons, climbed the fence and offered lemons to my neighbours I'd never met before, made kale, carrot and coriander soup, made another sushi rendition to take to the potluck, sprayed my germinating seed trays every time I thought of it, washed my sprouts, brought futon back inside, brushed teeth, harvested flowers to take with me, put everything in a box and walked up to the bus. Almost an hour apart on Sundays, but I amazingly made the one I was shooting for with 5 minutes to spare, waiting in the hot sun. I hope me and all my produce arrives safely at the end of this long journey to the otherside of the city. There is no air conditioning on the bus and the windows aren't made to open. I'm really excited about attending the botanical cuisine potluck, okay now time to calm down and enjoy the bus ride.

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