My answer to this question is always changing, and I seem to approach it differently each time the proposal arises. I have learnt that it is important to stay grounded and calm, and to consider whether you really need to spend the last of your money or just keep it in your wallet and see how long it is possible to let it radiate in their, as special golden money. Something I developed a few months ago, is whenever I have no money at all, I imagine that I have a thousand dollars in my bank account, im just keeping it there for a special purpose and so I choose not to use it. Its amazing how much lighter it makes me feel when I simply imagine this. Manifesting is obviously easier if you are already in harmony with accepting abundance.
This morning I had seventeen dollars left for the rest of the week. Im out of fresh produce but have some buckwheat and chia in the cupboard and the flowers, weeds and green bits growing in my garden. I bought a 2 kilo bag of orchard fresh apples from the farm a kilometre and a half from my mums for six dollars, and when I got back into the city I considered what to do with my last eleven.
I missed the morning markets at Ceres, and you dont get much organic produce for that amount of money anywhere else (Organic Gertrude - A piece of fruit?).
Coconut oil? Its $10.50 at Naturally on High and sometimes up to $13 anywhere else. Can I be bothered travelling, is it worth it? Is coconut oil food? I decided on organic unhulled tahini and a really big conventional yellow paw paw. Done, fifteen cents to spare. Happy. Thats three days of really good smoothies.
I realised as I parted with the last of my coins that really money is mostly used in obtaining foods that you cant or dont grow. Things that come from somewhere else, and that your neighbours dont have either.
I walked into the library and the first book I noticed was "Microgreens - A guide to growing Nutrient-packed greens" (by Eric Franks and Jasmine Richardson) and I couldnt help similing at the ways that abundance continually pops up and surprises you. It is a really beautiful book and I was just thinking about growing microgreens last week...
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