I was just reading Heidi Merika's website - naturopath, and herbalist specialising in plant based nutrition and living foods - and felt compelled to share some of her words
"Food is a love note from God. Its letters are written by the rays of the sun.
It says I love you and I shall take care of you and sustain you with the offerings of my earth." ~ Gabriel Cousens M.D.
Conscious Nutrition goes beyond food as a source of fuel. It even goes beyond nutrition for health and healing.
It is about using food as a tool for personal and planetary transformation.
Conscious nutrition incorporates the whole food model and takes it one step further to an energetic level. The purpose of conscious eating is two fold; firstly we must nourish our bodies by eating organic whole foods. Secondly we can use our food choices to enhance our spiritual practice and our subtle energy fields. In this model foods are chosen not only for their nutritional benefits but also for the affect they have on the consciousness. Thus even certain ‘healthy’ foods may be avoided at particular times if they produce certain kinds of effects on an energetic level. Garlic, for example, is often avoided by spiritual practitioners who find it stimulates the mind and physical passions and makes it difficult to meditate. In this model one is concerned with the energy field of the food thus living, raw foods are chosen most often because they have the highest vibration. They also contain greater amounts of nutrients and enzymes that have not been damaged by heating or processing.. ... Continue reading on Heidi's website Conscious Nutrition
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