Monday, July 26

Wednesday, July 21

Raw kimchi sushi

The 'rice' is made from raw parsnips, sunflower seeds, raw honey and umeboshi plum vinegar
then raw strips of capsicum and zucchini and a sprinkle of calendula petals

--the real genius occured when I remembered my cabbage hijiki burdock squash kimchi.

Tuesday, July 20

Black tahini

Black tahini on a corn cake with greeny yellow capsicum

Sprouty squish crunch salad

The squish is the beautifully ripe flavoursome tomatoes, the sprouts are quinoa and sunflower seeds (sprouts grow so slow in a cold house in winter so their tails are small but the lively freshness is there), super crunchy and sweet buk choy, calendula flower petals, and parsley. The salad is dressed with lots of dulse flakes, a tiny bit of salt and lemon juice. I can't remember if there was any oil, a dash of olive oil ewould go down asily.

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